
Misalignment - learning. Romanov Roman Alexandrovich в Санкт-Петербурге (СПб)

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Опубликовано 19 декабря 2018 г. 9:27

Misalignment is when the centers of rotation of parts (nodes) do not lie on one line while the machine is running. The difference in the position of the shafts in statics and in dynamics can occur for two reasons: due to the presence of thermal expansion, or due to the ascent on the wedge in the sliding bearings. This situation is possible on modern magnetic bearings (magnetic suspensions). According to statistics from BALTECH, more than 60% of machines and mechanisms operate outside the recommended tolerances.
There are two types of misalignment: parallel and angular, or combinations thereof (mixed).
For misalignment measurements, specialists of the technical service department of BALTECH use laser alignment and geometry alignment systems KVANT -LM, Fixturlaser XA, BALTECH LL. The signs of misalignment can also be determined by the results of vibrodiagnostics, using modern diagnostic tools, such as the vibration analyzer, the CSI 2130 data collector, or the inexpensive PROTON-Balance kit. According to the results of measurements, it is necessary to determine whether or not such misalignment is permissible. Tolerances for parallel and angular misalignment (alignment tolerances) can be set by the equipment manufacturer or, in its absence, the recommended international alignment tolerances can be used.
The concepts of “Reliable Equipment-2010” and “Reliability Technologies” were developed by our specialists under the guidance of the Director of Marketing and Sales (Romanov Roman Alexandrovich, 981-995-65-41).
Misalignment is one of the reasons for reducing the reliability of equipment. Systematic control is required when performing maintenance on an outage, OFS or Proactive.

№ 2924568

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