
Alignment of parts, precision assembly of machine parts and mechanisms в Санкт-Петербурге (СПб)

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Опубликовано 19 декабря 2018 г. 8:42

The centering of parts is one of the main directions in the section of machine parts. Reliability and quality of the whole mechanism design depends on the accuracy of the mating parts.
In most cases, when the word “centering” a technician associates with the centering of rotary equipment, this is partly true, but there are tasks where centering of machine parts, such as fixed bodies, holes, elements and shafts, is necessary.
In any particular case, the alignment of parts - is to ensure the alignment of the axes or planes (parallel planes).
Specialists of the technical service department of BALTECH company in centering machine parts (pumps, gearboxes, compressors, fans, turbines, electric motors and diesel engines), depending on the task, use laser alignment and alignment systems for geometry KVANT-LM, KVANT-SM, Fixturlaser XA Bore, BALTECH.
A typical centering of machine parts is the centering of two fixed bodies, shafts or their openings. For this purpose, use additional accessories - special "carts" that allow you to move the measuring unit along the shaft diameter, thereby obtaining data for calculating the necessary movements.
The concepts of “Reliable Equipment-2010” and “Reliability Technologies” were developed by our specialists under the guidance of the Director of Marketing and Sales (Romanov Roman Alexandrovich, 981-995-65-41).
According to the concept of “Reliable equipment”, developed by BALTECH specialists, the most reliable part in a product is a part that does not exist. You ask: "How is this possible? ". You have probably heard the expression “All ingenious is simple” more than once. Recommendations from the company experts BALTECH, what would any designer in the design of the mechanism laid simple solutions and to minimize the number of parts. If you simplify the design, that is, to minimize all the mating parts, then the centering of the parts is simplified. If there is no part (node), then it is not necessary to maintain, change, center in the future, i. e. the cost of servicing this part "ZERO".

№ 2924445

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